After a lovely break back in Malaysia, I'm finally back in London. Struck down with a cold bug whilst on transit in Dubai, I'm still feeling like a miserable little bunny but life has to go on - work to go back to, work to slack off from ;)
There is of course the matter of my blog, which has sadly not seen an ounce of my attention in the last few weeks. To be honest, I lost much of my enthusiasm for updating it after I found out that someone had stole my photos and blog entries. However, now that I've had a little time to think things over.... I've decided that I'm not going to let some petty thief take away my enjoyment of writing my blog or taking photos of food. Hey, it sure didn't stop me from stuffing myself all this time :)
Whilst I leisurely go through my photos from my holiday, I will leave you with something I ate before the Christmas holidays. A rather delicious hot smoked honey salmon mousse.
Quite excellent served on individual baby gem leaves. Not at all salty with just a hint of honey coming through. Finished with a slight squeeze of lemon juice over each leaf.
Chouquettes: French Cream Puff Recipe
3 days ago